Progress report for the Saturday July 9, 2022 GGRM workday at Schellville

 The Saturday July 9, 2022 workday was focused on the GGRM passenger cars located at our museum’s storage sites at Schellville Junction.


The primary emphasis was on the tasks required to get the GGRM’s passenger cars ready for operation during the September 4th and 5th 2022 Labor Day weekend.


Thanks go out to the GGRM volunteers listed below who helped make the July 9th Schellville workday productive:


Steve Coon, Steve Rusconi, Jay King, David Waterman, Nico Dacong, Mike Pechner, and Seth Adams.


Below is the progress report for the Saturday July 9, 2022 workday.


At the Victory Station Yard worksite:

1.            The GGRM EIC is required to send a text to NWPCo General Manager Ryan Martin when flag and derail protection has been set at the Victory Station Yard and the north leg of the Schellville wye.  Done by Jim Prettyleaf.

2.            Charge the batteries in GP9 #3194 and F-M #1487.  Done by Steve Coon.

3.            Started and stationary load tested GP9 #3194 and F-M #1487.  Done by Steve Coon.

4.            Measure the rectangular dimensions of the ABS plastic that needs to be purchased to make new exterior window frames for the #2979 Tavern Lounge Car.  Done by Jay King and Steve Rusconi.

5.            Measure how many linear feet of ABS plastic or wood needs to be ordered to make new exterior window frames for the #2979 Tavern Lounge Car.  Done by Jay King and Steve Rusconi.   

6.            Removed masking tape form #141 Oakland’s windows.  In progress by Jay King and Steve Rusconi, more work will be necessary to complete this task.

7.            Pull weeds out of the center track at Victory Station Yard.  Done by Mike Pechner.

8.            Weather permitting continue stripping, repairing, and painting the roof of the #141 Oakland Business Car.  No action taken during the July 9, 2022 workday.

9.            Fix any remaining water damage and prepare the dining room ceiling of the #141 Oakland Business Car for painting.  No action taken during the July 9, 2022 workday.

10.       Start investigation to determine how much prefabrication can be completed to minimize the amount of soldering required when making connections to the air conditioning system’s evaporator.  No action taken during the July 9, 2022 workday.

11.       Install the new copper pipes required for the #141 Oakland Business Car’s new Northwest Rail Electric air conditioning system.  No action taken during the July 9, 2022 workday.

12.       Continue the electrical wiring installations that are needed to get the #141 Oakland Business Car running again.  No action taken during the July 9, 2022 workday.

13.       Continue sorting out and reorganizing the contents of the #6752 Diesel Shop Car and the #5131 Steam Shop Car prior to the start of operations.  No action taken during the July 9, 2022 workday.

14.       The GGRM EIC is required to send a text to NWPCo General Manager Ryan Martin when flag and derail protection has been taken down at the Victory Station Yard and the north leg of the Schellville wye.  Done by Jim Prettyleaf.


At the Sonoma Rail worksite in Schellville:

1.           Continue the investigations and fabrication needed to make the #3722 gallery car handicap access compliant.  No action taken during the July 9, 2022 workday.

2.           At the start of the workday measure the terminal voltage of the #3720 gallery car’s battery voltage to determine the percentage of charge and charge as needed.  The measured at rest battery terminal voltage was 31.8-volts indicating roughly 45% charged, started the gen-set, and charged the battery for approximately 5 hours.

3.           Use infrared heat gun to measure the difference between the coolant inlet and coolant outlet temperatures (ΔT) of the radiator for the #3720 gallery car gen-set.  Significant progress is being made to diagnose and correct diesel engine cooling problems that have been discovered in the generator-sets for the GGRM’s bi-level gallery cars.  To track down these problems we have been measuring the difference between coolant temperatures (ΔT) at the inlets and outlets of the diesel powered gen-set’s radiators.  During the previous July 2, 2022 workday, the ΔT of the radiator for the #3722 gallery car was measured as 10°F, by comparison the measured ΔT of Jim Prettyleaf’s Ford F150 pickup is 76°F.  The measured ΔT for the #3720 gallery car’s gen-set was 17°F so this measurement indicates the radiator for the #3720 gallery car’s gen-set is only marginally better than the radiator for the #3722 gallery car’s gen-set but is not providing enough coolant temperature drop for sustained operation at the high load conditions imposed by the heating or air conditioning systems.  Based on these measured results the radiator for the #3722 gallery car’s gen-set was removed and sent to a shop to be re-cored.  Thanks go out to David Waterman and Nico Dacong for completing the hard work needed to remove the gen-set radiator from under the #3722 and thanks also go to Steve Coon who will be working with the radiator shop to complete this rebuild.

4.           Continue the investigation to determine why #3722’s the refrigeration compressor will not make lubrication oil pressure.  Seth Adams and Jim Prettyleaf took a deeper dive into the refrigeration compressor for the #3722 gallery car and quickly discovered that the big - end connecting rod bearings of the Carrier model 5F60 reciprocating compressor are worn out and have much larger than allowable clearances.  This investigation also revealed that there were flakes of babbitt bearing metal in the oil sump of the #3722 gallery car’s old air conditioning compressor.  Based on these findings we borrowed the Takeuchi tracked skid - steer front loader with forklift attachment from E.K. Excavating Incorporated so that the entire refrigeration compressor and motor module could be removed from under the #3722 gallery car.  While removing this module from under the car we also discovered that a mechanic working for the prior owner of the #3722 gallery car had previously stuffed shop towels into the inlet ports of the old defunct refrigeration compressor.  Based on these findings a decision was reached to purchase a freshly overhauled and fully tested Carrier - Carlyle model 5F60 refrigeration compressor from a certified rebuilder.  Special thanks go out to Eric Strand at E.K. Excavating Incorporated for loaning the GGRM the Takeuchi compact track loader that enabled our museum’s volunteers to remove the defunct air conditioning compressor form underneath the #3722 gallery car.

5.           Continue working on the air conditioning system of the #3722 gallery-car per the written plan submitted by Seth Adams.  Work is in progress, see item #4 above.

6.           Reassemble the covers for the end door motors and controls for the #3722 and #3720 gallery cars.  No action taken during the July 9, 2022 workday.

7.           Complete additional troubleshooting to determine why the engine stop pushbuttons for the #3722 and #3720 gallery car gen-sets are not working correctly.  No action taken during the July 9, 2022 workday.

8.           Continue working to select the gallery car with the least number of problems and concentrate on bringing #3720 or #3722 up to operational status as quickly as possible.  The #3722 gallery car is still the leading candidate for 1st operation.

9.           Inspect #3720 and #3722 and make a list of any parts that are missing, broken or inoperable.  No action taken during the July 9, 2022 workday.

10.       Continue vacuuming and washing seats and mopping the floors of the #3720 and the #3722 cars.  No action taken during the July 9, 2022 workday.


Ongoing Offsite Projects that Support Schellville Workday Objectives

1.           Locate a supplier for 3-71 series Detroit Diesel engine rocker cover gaskets and hydraulic governor gaskets and seals to eliminate oil leaks on the #3722 gallery car’s gen - set.  New rocker cover gaskets and hydraulic governor gaskets were ordered by Jim Prettyleaf and are scheduled to be delivered by June 9th.  Jim Prettyleaf still owns the task to find a supplier for the hydraulic governor’s manual rack control plunger seals.

2.           Order the gaskets needed to troubleshoot problems with the #3722 gallery car’s Carrier / Carlyle 5F60 air conditioning compressor.  Jim Prettyleaf ordered the gaskets needed from CMP Corporation in Oklahoma City on Thursday July 7, 2022; these gaskets were received on Monday July 11th.

3.           Order rebuilt Carrier-Carlyle model 5F60 refrigeration compressor for the #3722 gallery car.  Order booked by Jim Prettyleaf on Wednesday July 13, 2022.

4.           Send the radiator for the #3722 gallery car’s gen-set to the rebuilder for overhaul.  Done by Steve Coon on Monday July 11, 2022.

5.           Find and purchase a currently available functionally equivalent power contactor to replace the three-phase contactor that was cannibalized from #3714’s north end low range electric resistance heater.  In progress Seth Adams, and Jim Prettyleaf.

6.           Manufacture and install of replacements for the arm rests that have been cannibalized from #3714.  In progress by Jay King. 

7.           Repair the broken sink that was removed from #3722.  Owner Steve Rusconi.


Objectives that have been deferred until a future time.

1.           The restoration of the #3714 gallery car

2.           Creation of a written record of the repairs needed for the #3720 and 3722 gallery car’s CO2 fire systems prior to a visit from AAA Fire Suppression Services. 


If anyone has questions about upcoming workdays, you should contact the GGRM’s Schellville Site Manager using the information provided below.


The next regularly scheduled Schellville workday will be held on Saturday July 16, 2022.




Jim Prettyleaf

GGRM Schellville Site Manager




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