Progress report for Saturday November 20, 2021 GGRM workday

 The November 20, 2021 GGRM Schellville workday was focused on the following items at the Victory Station Yard and the Sonoma Rail Incorporated storage site.

 Steam locomotive #2472 has passed annual inspection, so now GGRM’s volunteer resources will be aimed at completing restoration of the former Southern Pacific bi-level gallery cars stored at Sonoma Rail Incorporated.

 Thanks go out to the GGRM volunteers listed below who helped make the November 20th Schellville workday successful;

 Manly Hyde, Peter Schulze, Ron Vane, Scott Bowdish, Nico Dacong, David Waterman, Steve Coon, Steve Rusconi and Tim Dulin.


At the Victory Station Yard worksite:

1.           The GGRM EIC is required to send a text to NWPCo General Manager Ryan Martin when flag and derail protection has been set at the Victory Station Yard and the north leg of the Schellville wye.  Done Jim Prettyleaf. 

2.           Place corrected updated and signed FRA Form 3 record in #2472’s cab.  Done David Waterman. 

3.           Charge the batteries in GP9 #3194 and F-M #1487.  Done Steve Coon. 

4.           Find and fix the battery charging issue with F-M #1487.   No action taken during the Nov 20th workday.

5.           Bring new gas engine water pump, suction hose, and fittings to Schellville.  Done Jim Prettyleaf 

6.           Add a prime before starting label to the new water pump.  No action taken during the Nov 20th workday. 

7.           Test the new gas engine water pump and hose connections.   Done by Nico Dacong and David Waterman. 

8.           Reassemble the valve control rods for #2472’s injector.  In progress by Davis Waterman. 

9.           Organized and completed more wiring of the #141 Oakland business car.  Done by Tim Dulin and Nico Dacong. 

10.      The GGRM EIC is required to send a text to NWPCo General Manager Ryan Martin when flag and derail protection has been taken down at the Victory Station Yard and the north leg of the Schellville wye.  Done Jim Prettyleaf. 


At the Sonoma Rail worksite in Schellville:

1.           Continue charging the 32-volt batteries installed in #3720 and/or #3722.  Done Jim Prettyleaf. 

2.           Order new thermostat for the 3-71 Detroit Diesel engine of the gen-set for #3720.  In progress, order placed Non 19, 2021, expecting delivery on Nov 29th. 

3.           Continue vacuuming out and leak checking the air conditioning system of #3720 and #3722 per the written plan submitted by Seth Adams.  No action taken during the Nov 20th workday. 

4.           Start putting air tool oil into sticky air powered door motors.  In Progress Jim Prettyleaf. 

5.           Continue examining and make a written record of the repairs needed for the #3722 and 3720 gallery car’s CO2 fire systems prior to upcoming visit from AAA Fire Suppression Services.   No action taken during the Nov 20th workday.  

6.           Locate the source of the leaks in #3720’s and #3722’s water tanks.  No action taken during the Nov 20th workday. 

7.           Vacuum out the air conditioning system for #3722 and refill with oil and R134A refrigerant.  No action taken during the Nov 20th workday. 

8.           Vacuum the interior and the seats of #3720.  Done by Manly Hyde and Scott Bowdish. 

9.           Vacuum out the bi-parting door and end door motor compartments of #3720.  Done Scott Bowdish. 

10.       Start vacuuming out the overhead compartment for #3720’s blowers.  In Progress Steve Rusconi. 

11.       Inspect #3720 and make a list of any parts that are missing, broken or inoperable.  No action taken during the Nov 20th workday. 

12.       Determine what is needed to repair the pneumatically operated door at the south end of #3722 and get this task moving forward.  In progress by Scott Vogel and Nico Dacong.  Need to remove the rubber weatherstrip boot and repair the severed braided stainless-steel cable that actuates the doorway occupied safety switch.    

13.       Repair the broken sink that was removed from #3722.  Owner Garrett Brisbee.    

14.       Inspect #3722 and make a list of any parts that are missing, broken or inoperable.  No action taken during the Nov 20th workday.  

15.       Continue the work needed to raise the center vestibule doors on #3714 so they will stop dragging on the bottom door frames.  No action taken during the Nov 20th workday. 

16.       Car cleaning.  Remove dirt and dust from passenger compartment of #3714 gallery car.  Also vacuum out the bi-parting door motor compartments.  No action taken during the Nov 20th workday. 

17.       Find and purchase replacement 3-phase plug and receptacle for the #3714 gallery car’s generator-set.  Owner Jim Prettyleaf. 

18.       Complete the installation of the new truck center pin covers.  In progress, owner Jay King. 

19.       Manufacture and install replacements for the broken arm rests.  In progress, owner Jay King.  

20.       Gallery car window shade refurbishing and cleaning.  No action taken during the Nov 20th workday.  

21.       Gallery car seat repairs, reupholstering, and cushion swapping.  No action taken during the Nov 20th workday.  

22.       Start preparing the gallery cars for painting.  No action taken during the Nov 20th workday. 


If anyone has questions about upcoming workdays you are encouraged to contact the GGRM’s Schellville Site Manager using the information provided below.




Jim Prettyleaf

GGRM Schellville Site Manager


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